Ticket sales
Fantôme Thief VIP Package
SOLD OUTWant to show the most support for Mint and Doki? A limited number of VIP packages are available, which include:
- Hand signed postcard
- Tote bag
- Commemorative VIP laminate and lanyard
- Commemorative holographic ticket
- Concert muffler towel
- Fantôme Thief keychain
- Digital message board submission
- Early access to venue and merch booth
Special Guests

Frequently asked questions
- Will streaming tickets be available?
Unfortunately, we are not able to offer streaming tickets for this event. However, after the show, Doki and Mint will each be uploading a clip of their favorite performance from the concert!
- Are penlights and UOs allowed?
Yes! The venue usually has a rule against them, but they have agreed to allow them for our event!
- Can I bring plushies?
Yes! The venue usually does not allow any plushies, but they agreed to waive this rule as well. We only ask not to bring anything giant and oversized that would disrupt the people around you.
- Is this event affiliated with Anime Weekend Atlanta?
We are not an official event as part of AWA, and you do not require a badge to attend. But we look forward to welcoming anyone who is also in town for AWA!
- Are the performers accepting gifts?
Updated December 9th: We will be accepting only letters, small paper goods (chekis, small prints), and stationery (stickers, etc.) at the venue. There will be a letter drop box next to the merchandise booth inside of the venue.
We will only be accepting items for Dokibird and Mint Fantôme.
Please be sure to label your item (i.e. "from: (your name), to: (performer's name)"). All items will be screened by oshiSPARK staff before being delivered to the performers.